
airline 3

Before he could start, thee flight attendant began her speech on safety procedures. Nathans head snapped in her direction. He sat up on his knees and craned her neck in order to see what she was doing. But Phoenix found her droning voice hard to focus on.
"Make sure to securely fasten your seat belts at all times while you are seated. There are four exits, two behind and two in front."
This woman sounded like it was the millionth time that she had given that speech in the last hour.
"Make sure to pull the mask over your nose and mouth and tighten the mask by pulling on the white elastics. You will still receive oxygen even if the bag does not fully inflate."
As she droned on Phoenix watched as Nathan studied the evacuation packet intensively. He would read it slowly to himself are then look for the exit it described. When he got to the part about the seat cushion doubling as a life preserver, her got up and tried t yank it off. His mother had incredibly fast reflexes and turned him around to sit. Phoenix couldn't help but laugh at this.
"...and remember put the mask on yourself before putting it on the ones you love. From all of us here at Starbound airlines, have a pleasant trip and fair skies."


Marina's Blog said...

Whoah....this is good stuff. This is good stuff because it's really descriptive. Especially when you talk about the flight attendant talking.
Very nice.

. said...

Great blog entry because it was incredibly descriptive and it is great writing.

L-unit said...

Wow Raelani! I think this story is very well written because of all the desvription there is especially about the flight attendant.

Lacy said...

i liekd this because you had good detail and i felt like i was there

linden said...

I really liked this because i always feel like that when im on a plane :)