
airline 2

Leaving Billings to rot was the best thing she had ever done. Relief swam over her as the plane’s engines started. The plane jolted forward. She pushed the self inflicted anger to he back of her head. She took out her book and made herself focus on the words.
Yeah, yeah!I want to sit here! Please! Awww fine, maybe we can have pretzels and those little peanut things. I like pretzels, they are yummy, do they have pretzels in Greece? Maybe they have fancy foods and don’t even have toast. Haha that would be funny. When we get to our seat i’m gunna need my book, cuz I need to get smart, smart, smart! I heard that plane chairs are hard as rocks, and they might not be sanitary cuz of all the bac-tear-ee-a. Ohhhh i’m going to need some money, so when the cart comes by I have money to buy some snacks.” The little boy leaned in close to his mother who was struggling with the baggage, “Just in case they don’t have any snacks in France either!” His voice was now return to it normal obnoxious volume. Oh oh oh oh this one is our seat, huh? goodie.” He collapsed in to the seat next to Phoenix. She looked at him and then looked back at her book. The boy perked up at her glance.
“My name is Nathan and I am six years old. I am going to Greece and London and Paris and.........I think its called Sickily. I can speak two languages, well I can count to ten in Spanish!
He paused as his mother sank into the seat on the other side of him. She looked tired and worn out, it wasn't hard to guess why. Phoenix could tell already that this was going to be a very long trip. The freckly boy took a breath and prepared to begin again.

1 comment:

Lacy said...

I really liked this because it was a really good start of a story. You had really good detail.