
Amber Alert Part 2

I must have fallen asleep, because when I opened my eyesI didn't see the farmiliar landscape of New Mexico anymore. Out my window was a flat grassy plain. Kalley was a asleepwith her face preesed up against the window with her sunglasses askew on her face. My sister had one hand on the wheel and was chattering happily on her phone. My eyes glazed over as my mind wndered. My father worked for NASA. he wasn't home a lot, my sister and I don't know what his job is. I can imagine that he is a very smart man considering he graduated from Harvard. I used to think that he was a secrect agent inventing missles for NASA. Now, I can only assume that he is a top engineer, because we are a very wealthy family. Lately he has been gone more than usual. My mom has been an emotional wreak. When my father is home, he locks himself up in his study working on drawings and such. Sometimes my mom tries to help him, this normally ends up in a screaming match. It always goes the same, and it ends with my father yelling, "NOBELLEE! I KNOW YOU ARE TRYING TO HELP, BUT YOU KNOW THE RULES!!" He then lowers his voice and adds, "I can't have you doodling all over my work, this is business, and you know it." My mother storms out of the room, but they later workit out. My attention was snapped back to reality as Randy screamed. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Kalley jerk awake. "What do you mean?! You set me up? What kind of parents are you? How could you do this to me?" Randy screamed in to her phone.


Marina's Blog said...

No one has commented on this part of your story yet...so I'm gonna be the first. I like your story....it's very captivating and perplexing because you do not know what is going to happen next. Add more to the story, I can't handle the suspense!

linden said...

Hey, i really like this story!
I like it because it is super exciting! Your a great writer, I can't wait to hear the rest!