
Amber Alert Part 3

I rolled my eyes, Randy was pulling her, "Life-If-So-Not-Fair-Everyone-Hates-Me" stunt with my mom. I heard Randy sigh as she pulled lip gloss out of her pocket and started applying it, at the same time she changed the radio station and drove the car. She is such a multi-tasker, I hope to be just like her one day, ha like that would ever happen. The radio was now on a news channel. A man with a husky voice was in mid sentence.

"...highway 525. The weather forcast for today is humid with clouds.
This just in.
Amber Alert for a missing child who was abducted in Santa Fae. The child was picked up from daycare by an imposter posing as her father. The girls name is Ali Fletcher, she is two years, two months of age. She has ligh brown hair in pig tails. She has green eyes and was wearing a red t-shirt and jeans. The abductor had bleach blond hair and brown eyes. The girl was also wearing sneakers.

How depressing I thought. One morning you wake up perfectly fine and by that night you are worried sick. The girl also, how scared she must be, that is, if she is still alive.


Amber Alert Part 2

I must have fallen asleep, because when I opened my eyesI didn't see the farmiliar landscape of New Mexico anymore. Out my window was a flat grassy plain. Kalley was a asleepwith her face preesed up against the window with her sunglasses askew on her face. My sister had one hand on the wheel and was chattering happily on her phone. My eyes glazed over as my mind wndered. My father worked for NASA. he wasn't home a lot, my sister and I don't know what his job is. I can imagine that he is a very smart man considering he graduated from Harvard. I used to think that he was a secrect agent inventing missles for NASA. Now, I can only assume that he is a top engineer, because we are a very wealthy family. Lately he has been gone more than usual. My mom has been an emotional wreak. When my father is home, he locks himself up in his study working on drawings and such. Sometimes my mom tries to help him, this normally ends up in a screaming match. It always goes the same, and it ends with my father yelling, "NOBELLEE! I KNOW YOU ARE TRYING TO HELP, BUT YOU KNOW THE RULES!!" He then lowers his voice and adds, "I can't have you doodling all over my work, this is business, and you know it." My mother storms out of the room, but they later workit out. My attention was snapped back to reality as Randy screamed. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Kalley jerk awake. "What do you mean?! You set me up? What kind of parents are you? How could you do this to me?" Randy screamed in to her phone.


Amber Alert Part 1

The wind was whistling through the windows as I sat sullenly in the back seat of the car. I was being dragged on three day camping trip with my sister and her best friend Kalley. We were going to Tilatoo lake in the middle of nowhere. As far as I was concerned would rather spend the long weekend with my father, cleaning out the garage and raking the lawn of freshly fallen leaves. My ears were ringing with the sound of my sister, Randy, singing to the blasted radio. From Albaqurcique it was a six hour drive. I couldn't get over the fact that this weekend was supposed to consist of me, my bowl of popcorn and the TV. My thoughts were interrupted by my sister yelling, “Audrie, hand my the cheetos!’ Her voice was amazingly audible over the radio. I reluctantly grabbed the cheetos and handed them to my sister. Wasn't it for her own good that she shouldn't eat while driving? Not to burst her bubble or anything, but she got her license six months ago and she has already gotten three speeding tickets.



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