
airplane 7

She planned her timing carefully. Her senses were alert, her eyes darted around the plane. There were four flight attendants. One went up to see the pilot after the galley was secured, his portable oxygen tank clanking on the seats behind him. Two of the others were trying to calm down the passengers, unsuccessfully. The last attendant was sitting in the back row by herself.. She looked very pale and was taking slow breaths into her portable tank. Her eyes wide with fear, she looked almost transparent. She sa paralyzed watching the chaos unravel in front of her. Phoenix took one last breath and ran back to the row with the attendant. “I need your mask,” Phoenix said gasping for air. The woman looked at her blankly and then looked straight ahead again. Phoenix was almost out of air. All of the sudden, the plane took a sudden jolt, then woman's head slammed hard against the seat in front of her. Phoenix was blown against the wall that forced her to let out her last breath. The woman's mask lay on the floor in front of her now. She grabbed it and put it on. Once she regained breath, she got up and examined the attendant. She had a bleeding welt on the side of her head, but it didn’t look too bad. She got a ceiling mask down for her. She jogged to the galley, grabbed an ice pack and a water bottle, then went back and put it on the side of the woman's head. She then, dragging the heavy oxygen tank behind her, made her way staggering, back to her seat.

airplane 6

Nathan was breathing normally, but was extremely panicked. He was banging franticly on the ceiling trying desperately to get his mother’s mask down. In a muffled voice Phoenix said, “Heelp me mot heer to my seft.” He nodded and helped move her to the window seat. Phoenix put her mask over the woman’s face and hit the ceiling to replace her own. After she was situated, she sat still and began to think. The plane was in chaos. People were yelling and screaming, but were like dogs on short leashes with their masks. Nathan was shaking with tears as his mother lay awkwardly in her chair, unmoving. What she was planning on doing, she needed Nathan to help her with, but he couldn’t in the state he was in. Phoenix looked behind her in the aisle. The flight attendants were franticly trying to secure the galley. There were things flying everywhere, trash bag, blankets, coffee, apple juice, ice matches, champaign, sandwiches.


airplane 5

Nathan's mother suddenly passed out, and it was getting harder to breathe. Little Nathan was taking huge breaths at a time. They were being slowly sufficated. Phoenix determinded to stay present in her mind began to think. The air pressure was dropping. She looked up. She banged her fist hard on the celieing, at first nothing happend. She tried again, harder. The latch popped and a yellow oxygen mask fell down, and rebounded a little on the elastic. Nathan was leaned back on his chair his lolling to the side, his eyes struggling to stay open. The man in the seat in front of her saw what she had done and got his mask down as well. Phoenix hastily pulled her mask over her head and began to work on Nathan's. She got it down in one hit. As he reached up weakly to grab it, the plane was occupied by the loud thudding noises of people getting their masks down. The flight attendents were no where to be seen, and as Phoenix looked out the window, she saw a steady stream of smoke coming from the back of the plane.

airline 4

Phoenix peered at Nathan, as much as she didn't want tp hear another long dialog from him, the energy it was taking to hold back her anger was incredible. Anything to momentairily sustain controll was welcome. She didn't have to wait much longer, for as soon as Nathan finished reading teh pamflet he slid it back into the pocket and turned to look intenetly at Phoenix. She stared back, his eyes burned with curiosity. He began to talk again, this time slower and more intensional.
"Why don't you have any parents? Are you running away?!"
"My parents know where I am," she said sharply
He hesitated for a moment but then asked, "But..do they where your going" He asked with his eyebrows raised. This was not a question Phoenix had anticipated from a blabbering six year old. He seemed to sense that she wasn't going to answer that question, so he gave her a sad smile and leaned across his mom's lap into the asile to tap the flight attendent on the shoulder.
"Please and thank you for fourteen pillows over here, these seats are hard as rock."
She must have fallen asleep because terbulance jerked her asleep from her stiff sleep. Her face was pressed against the window with her slow breathing fogging the view. She turned her head to see Nathan being jerked awake as well. The plane continued to baounce around; send a cup in the next row over right into a woman's lap. She let out a shriek of rage and began scolding a man in Italian. Phoenix's head began to throb at the noise. Phoenix peered over the top of her chair to see all th flight attendents scurying around to scure the galley. Clearly the woman would not be attended to soon. Phoenix grabbed her blanket and got out of her seat, carefully stepping over Nathen and his mom. Although there was so much turbulance that she almost squished his sleeping mother. She made her way to the woman.
"Singora, per favore, capisco..."
"I speak english"
" Here ma'am," She said as she handed her the balnket. "There are a lot of us and I think that we all need to cooperate here for just a little bit while we get through this rough patch. Grazie"
As she staggered back to her seat, the lights went out. The only light was coming from the few open windows. There was a wave of frigtened screams as phoenix finally collapsed into her seat. She sat up to see Nathan's mom blot upright and Nathn's eyes wide with fear.


airline 3

Before he could start, thee flight attendant began her speech on safety procedures. Nathans head snapped in her direction. He sat up on his knees and craned her neck in order to see what she was doing. But Phoenix found her droning voice hard to focus on.
"Make sure to securely fasten your seat belts at all times while you are seated. There are four exits, two behind and two in front."
This woman sounded like it was the millionth time that she had given that speech in the last hour.
"Make sure to pull the mask over your nose and mouth and tighten the mask by pulling on the white elastics. You will still receive oxygen even if the bag does not fully inflate."
As she droned on Phoenix watched as Nathan studied the evacuation packet intensively. He would read it slowly to himself are then look for the exit it described. When he got to the part about the seat cushion doubling as a life preserver, her got up and tried t yank it off. His mother had incredibly fast reflexes and turned him around to sit. Phoenix couldn't help but laugh at this.
"...and remember put the mask on yourself before putting it on the ones you love. From all of us here at Starbound airlines, have a pleasant trip and fair skies."